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Everybody loves Raymond!

This is a site about nothing. How could you have a website about nothing you ask? Very carefully my friend, very carefully. One part raw imagination, one part easy to use website building tools, two parts psychedelic pleasure absinthe, and lots of pictures of my hotness and the crazy hotness that is Layla my Toyota Tocoma.  How can one vehicle contain so much pure auto eroticism that my Tacoma does? Some things in this life are better left a mystery young patawan, for that kind of beauty is not fathomable for the simple man. I'm sure at this point you are not quite sure where I am going with this. But like a train wreck you can't help, but be curious. Looking for the carnage, but deep down not wanting to see what it is you're looking for. Perhaps there is no rhyme or reason behind my thoughts. Perhaps my thoughts are like milk poured over a table, with nothing to contain the flow my thoughts spill and cover with no distinguishable patern. So where am I going with all this. I'm not sure, but I'm sure it will be awesome.  Sometimes its fun just to say things and do things without any legitimate reason except to get it out in the world. If you keep saying things and spewing ideas, one day something will come out that changes the world my friend. Just try to keep you alcohol down cause throwing up is gross. But hey try something new today and if you can't try something new, say something you have wanted to say, but have kept to yourself and then eat some toast cause you need your fiber. And finally, if you don't give people a chance to see you in any other way than how you expect them to see you then they never will so open your eyes and see things in a different way.  Yeah I said it!

What's New?
December 2003

So it's the start of the Holiday season and more importantly the season to celebrate the birth of Ray.  Hmmm, that sounds a little narcissistic, but oh well, I enjoy my birthday and I love the fact that it is near christmas because all the lights and the everything else christmas means my birthday is coming up.  Hey and while everyone is out shopping for christmas presents they can remember my birthday is coming up. Hey what's one more present?  So Happy Birthday to me and to all a good night!

"Tastes like burning"

"Look we all have similar birth marks. Wierd huh?"